Cécile Hérivaux is an agronomist from AgroParisTech with a specialisation in economic and social sciences (master's degree in agricultural development economics), complemented by a master's degree in environmental and natural resources economics. She has 15 years of experience as an environmental economist at BRGM, contributing to and coordinating the economic component of applied research projects at local, national and European levels.
Cécile contributes to three main areas of research:
- the prospective of rural territories in relation to natural resources;
- the economics of groundwater quality
- the economics of natural resources conservation
These research areas cover several fields of application: groundwater protection (main field), but also soil protection (erosion) and natural risk management (marine submersion, landslides).
Cécile has been particularly involved in the design and evaluation of natural resource conservation programmes: preservation of safeguard zones for future drinking water supply, preservation of natural and agricultural areas threatened by urban sprawl, preservation of beaches threatened by marine submersion, etc. His current research activities explore the use of the concepts of ecological debt, ecosystem services (ES), disservices, insurance value and nature-based solutions (NBS).
Tools used
Social practices and perceptions , Stated Preferences , Hybrid methods
- Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors, 2022
- Introducing Nature into Cities or Preserving Existing Peri-Urban Ecosystems? Analysis of Preferences in a Rapidly Urbanizing Catchment, 2021
- Combining narrative scenarios, local knowledge and land-use change modelling for integrating soil erosion in a global perspective, 2021
- Distinct and combined impacts of climate and land use scenarios on water availability and sediment loads for a water supply reservoir in northern Morocco, 2020
- Exploring the Potential of Groundwater Markets in Agriculture: Results of a Participatory Evaluation in Five French Case Studies, 2020
- Valuing a diversity of ecosystem services: The way forward to protect strategic groundwater resources for the future?, 2019
- Integrated assessment of economic benefits of groundwater improvement with contingent valuation, 2016